Wine Trends and News

Wine in South Africa Cover Photo

A Retrospective of Wine in South Africa: In Conversation with Ian Naude

Ian Naudé of Naudé Wines has been at the forefront of wine in South Africa, winemaking, and exportation for over 30 years. He’s worked with some of the most esteemed vineyards and companies worldwide, creating dozens of wines. His primary ambition has always been to “craft wines that tell a story of time and place.”

Rueda Wine Co.’s Burgundy 2020 Vintage Report

The 2020 vintage in Burgundy, was highly anticipated, and so far is living up to expectations! 2020 has yielded succulent, intense and dense red wines. Sharp, and classically styled white wines. The region experienced a unique growing and picking season, one of the earliest on record.  Significantly affected by unexpected heatwaves during July and August.

Domaine Donatsch Vineyard

Switzerland Only Exports 2% Of Its Wines

Considering their reputation for exporting chocolate, cheese, and accurate timepieces. It’s odd that they’re able to drink and sell much of their superb wines at home. It turns out, a lot at home! Switzerland only exports 2% of its wines. Graubünden In the Bündner Herrschaft, the winemaking tradition dates back over a thousand years. Fernando

Sakkie Mouton, Koekenaap and West Coast Wines

West Coast Wine Koekenaap is a small town located on the West Coast of South Africa, situated in the Olifants River Valley. The region has a long history of wine-making, dating back to the early 18th century. Moreover, the West Coast of South Africa is renowned for its unique microclimate. Contributing to the production of

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