Vincent Dancer grew up in Alsace, where he inherited a love of wine and photography from his father. After studying engineering, his father suggested that Vincent spend some time in Burgundy, where his family owned some vines that were being rented out to cousins. Dancer was immediately hooked, and decided to settle in Chassagne-Montrachet and make wine from the five hectares of well-situated vineyards. The winery is small even by the standards of Burgundy, and despite Dancer’s reclusive nature, the wines are well known to a small circle of restaurateurs and wine-lovers who reliably take their minuscule allocation year after year.

Dancer was the first producer in Chassagne to become certified organic, and there remains less than a handful of others. He is quietly individualistic, creating his own lean, bright, and savoury style of wines, trusting his instincts and experience to make the best possible wine in his own way. Each cuvée, however, is truly a reflection of the terroir—from the rich, unctuous Meursault Perrières to the incisively fresh Chassagne Tête du Clos. It is not an exaggeration to say that the wines from Vincent Dancer are majestically unique and exceptionally delicious.

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