Little introduction needs to be made about Chiara Boschis who retains the honour as one of the first female winemakers in the Langhe, and though she came from a family of Barolisti, she braved incredible obstacles in the 1990s to earn that title.

Chiara is, by necessity, of unquestionable confidence, determination, patience and charm. She ran the estate practically by herself for twenty years, but after the sale of Borgogno in 2008, her brother joined Chiara at E. Pira.

E. Pira & Figli was also the first estate in Cannubi to convert to organic farming, but Chiara didn’t stop there. She has worked tirelessly over the last few years to convince the rest of the growers in the district to join the “CannuBIO Project” and become organic!

These wines are profoundly good and go past the traditionalist versus modernist argument. The wines of Chiara Boschis have become renowned the world over and feature prominently in any serious collector’s cellar.

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